User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nox 4 developper: [Q] "this build is for development purposes only..." topic

[Q] "this build is for development purposes only..." topic

ok guys im kinda new with the android system after using iphone long time...
i buy this phone from china and it shows me that error every time i turn it on.
first its comes with out the google store or any other google apps :/
when i try to download it, its collapses after i run it.

some technikal info i have =>
android 4.4.3
htc 6.0
htc sdk api level 6.25
pi 4.38_003
prl 1

is there any chance that i can install a "normal" android virsion on this phone ? or its a real developers device that not designed for "normal users"

thanks a lot !

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