User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nox 4 developper: Keep rebooting into fastboot topic

Keep rebooting into fastboot topic

Whole rundown of the situation:
  • Wanted to be able to root my phone, do some research, mainly with and the one-click-root

  • Attempted one-click-root first as I did not want to mess with my phone too much, ended up not working.

  • Try to manually root my phone, unlocked the bootloader, installed via the guide above

  • Check to see if I have root access, did not; attempted to do a full restart where I factory reset everything after another backup

  • Phone starts hanging on the HTC logo screen

  • Do some more research and eventually get to this soft-brick solution guide

  • Followed the steps and am now currently booting into the fastboot screen permanently; even when attempting to power down, phone keeps booting back up.

  • Did some more research and found a semi-related question pertaining to this question with no definitive solution:

Some info on the phone itself:


*** TAMPERED ***
*** UNLOCKED ***
eMMC-boot 1024MB
Feb 26 2014, 12:27:49.0

version: 0.5
version-bootloader: 2.22.0000
version-baseband: 1.26.40e.00.14
version-cpld: None
version-microp: None
version-main: 2.14.631.3
version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
serialno: FA42TWK00711
imei: 357601052070301
product: zara_ul
platform: HBOOT-8930
modelid: 0P4E20000
cidnum: ROGER001
battery-status: good
battery-voltage: 4314mV
partition-layout: Generic
security: on
build-mode: SHIP
boot-mode: FASTBOOT
commitno-bootloader: dirty-ae8bbb39
hbootpreupdate: 11
gencheckpt: 0

I'm kind of new to the mobile platform, but am relatively competent with a computer, any help with this problem is greatly appreciated!

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