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My aftv keeps looping between amazon logo and cwm recovery topic

Hello everyone, my name is Ricardo and this is my first post

I have my aftv since september , it was rooted following the guides on aftv news . Recently i started to get those annoying low storage messages and my xbmc started to stop every movie with "cache full" messages.
I deleted apps, reeinstalled xbmc but all i got were some 600mb free.

Eventually i did a factory reset on CWM ( version and after it finished i did a reboot.

When it rebooted i think i lost root because i saw messages both in english and in german.

The problem now is it keeps looping between the amazon logo and into CWM recovery. If i do a reboot now it does the same.

Can anyone help me out getting out of this ( and eventually getting my root back?)

Many thanks in advance


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