User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nox 4 developper: [Q] How to whitelist an app so that it only closes in the background if really needed topic

[Q] How to whitelist an app so that it only closes in the background if really needed topic

Title says it all, I'm quite frustrated with changing from N5 to Z3C and seeing way more closing of apps I the background. It's not a big problem per se, but as Android is quite customizable, in going there could be a solution.

I don't know if the closing behavior something that can be helped without rooting, but asking never hurt anyone, right? :)

My biggest annoyance is tapatalk. If I'm interrupted while reading something and come back after writing an email and browsing for an address, there's a good chance tapatalk has been closed in the background and when switching back to it I'm greeted with the "unread" topic list instead of the topic I was in the middle of reading. So I have to try and find the topic again manually and there's a few actually unread messages which tapatalk of course has tagged read because they were open in my last session. Don't have a clue if it's just a tapatalk problem either, all the other apps do reopen right where I left them. Mostly.

A minute ago I checked free ram and there was 500MB left. But alas, tapatalk had been closed in the background.

Anyone else suffering from this first world problem?

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