User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nox 4 developper: [Q] Help: Sim card/tray will not stay put. topic

[Q] Help: Sim card/tray will not stay put. topic

I have an annoying problem with my One that I really hope someone can help me fix:

After taking out my sim card, I cannot put it back in and make it stay put. I put the sim card in the tray, put the tray in the slot, but it is like the spring/mechanism that pushes the tray out (when pushing a pin in the tray openerhole) got stuck, and I cannot make the tray stay put. Hence I have to keep the tray/sim card in place with a piece of gaffa tape... And that doesn't even work well, as - appart from looking silly - the spring/mechanism pushes the tray harder than the tape can hold after a few days.

I searched a lot for a solution to this problem, but it doesn't seem to be normal.

Anybody? Please.

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