User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nox 4 developper: Camera taking hundreds of photos in my pocket! topic

Camera taking hundreds of photos in my pocket! topic

This is driving me crazy!

I've set the Z3 Compact to tap to wake - a feature I like very much - but I'll often pull out the phone to see that it's taken loads of pictures of my pocket. And my pocket really isn't that interesting.

I've tried changing the password from a pattern to a PIN thinking that maybe I was somehow unlocking it that way, but I figure I must somehow be knocking the camera icon on the lock screen and it seems the only way I can remove that from the lock screen also stops the physical button working too.

So has anyone any ideas on how can I fix this and (a) keep the physical camera button working and (b) keep using tap to lock? Thanks.

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