User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nox 4 developper: [MOD] Autostart_menu for 5.0.1 topic

[MOD] Autostart_menu for 5.0.1 topic

Made from Settings.apk STOCK 5.0.1 ROM
mod is deodex,but don't worry, everything will work fine

before installation, make a backup copy of the folder /system/priv-app/Settings
since this mod will replace it
and happy new year to all

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	Screenshot_2015-01-01-04-06-42.png<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	76.8 KB<br/>ID:	3091847

Click image for larger version<br/><br/>Name:	Screenshot_2015-01-01-04-06-49.png<br/>Views:	N/A<br/>Size:	227.1 KB<br/>ID:	3091848

Attached Files

File Type: zip -
[Click for QR Code]
(5.86 MB)

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