User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nox 4 developper: plz help me to partition my sd on s duos 2 topic

plz help me to partition my sd on s duos 2 topic

I have a small internal storage so i wanted to move all apps to sd card and i did but only for user apps so i searched here how to move the main apps such as google chorme, play store, google map, ..............etc
I found hat i should partition my sd card and i tried many times using mini tool partition but after i followed the tips it said that my sd card damaged so i reformat it and it back again then i tried to partition it from cwm recovery and using rom manager and i partition it and after i moved all the apps using link2sd and i restarted my phone i found that everything was deleted (apps on sd) and when i enter link2sd and it said mound script cannot be created so i dont know what i can do so pleaze help me

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