User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nox 4 developper: i truly HATE $harecash and surveys to download some files topic

i truly HATE $harecash and surveys to download some files topic

Hello, everyone. Tags: $hareCa$h,ShareCash,$hareCash,Survey,Cash, Files; File, Surveys, Suck, to suck, sucks, Virus, PC, Telephone Number, eMail,Personal,FileIce,FileBubble,FileBomb,ShareTh atFileNow, Pinfiles, Mirror, :)

There's something in the world called $hareCash.

*Make money Uploading files

You know, ShareCash completly sucks. :D
It does suck completely, if you upload a Rar-file with some content on it.

Well, uploading a Poassword-Protectet RAR on Médîafire and the TXT on Sharecash - it's still better than Uploading the RAR itself on Sharecash.

Some passwords are more than 100 long - needs Millions of years for a Server-Computer to crack the password.
...and then the result is that you've got to complete ANOTHER SURVEY.

About the Surveys:
They ask easy questions, that everybody is able to answer and then they want your Personal information - to spam you.


If you give us fake information, you'll be banned out of our service permanently

hahaha, i cheated 16 Times - no ban :laugh::laugh::laugh:


Your download is just a few second's away

Maybe a few hours...


..We're the #1

No way!

DO NEVER GIVE THEM YOUR REAL INFORMATION‼‼ - They want to force you to do this and to download files and then they most-likely misuse your personal info.

*Adf.LÝ Also sucks.
I hope this helped.
Have a nice day and a happy new year :svetius: ;)

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