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[Q] Need help to go back to stock OS topic

Hello friends,

I have Kindle Fire HD 8.9. I installed CM 11 on it six months ago using this method and have been using it without any major problem since then. But I feel sluggishness in its performance so I want to switch back to stock Amazon OS. I had made a backup of stock OS using the method described in above mention thread, i.e.

adb shell su -c "dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0boot0 of=/sdcard/boot0block.img"
adb shell su -c "dd if=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.1/by-name/boot of=/sdcard/stock-boot.img"
adb shell su -c "dd if=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.1/by-name/recovery of=/sdcard/stock-recovery.img"
adb shell su -c "dd if=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.1/by-name/system of=/sdcard/stock-system.img" # This will take a few minutes
adb pull /sdcard/boot0block.img
adb pull /sdcard/stock-boot.img
adb pull /sdcard/stock-recovery.img

Now I have those four files (bootblock.img, stock-boot.img, stock-recovery.img and stock-system.img) on my HDD.

If I want to go back to stock OS, I would do following steps, and I want to know if that is the proper way to proceed. and is there something I must do during the whole process in order to succeed or must be mindful of?

Plug in your fastboot cable and reboot so that you see the fastboot screen and enter the following commands:
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash boot boot.img
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot -i 0x1949 flash system system.img # This one will take a few minutes
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot

or should I follow instructions given here

some suggestions or instructions would of great help. Thank you.

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