User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap: Nox 4 developper: [Q] Is the firmware that shipped with the ATV UK pre-order version rootable? topic

[Q] Is the firmware that shipped with the ATV UK pre-order version rootable? topic

I am in the UK and pre-ordered a Fire TV box last year, which was then shipped early September (as soon as they were released here). However, in between pre-ordering it and receiving it, the issue of unrootable newer firmwares became apparent and for that reason, I haven't opened it yet.

What I am wanting to know is:

a) Will this UK unit have been shipped with an unrootable firmware version? I would normally open the packaging and plug it in to find out, but I want to keep it sealed in case it is preloaded with unrootable firmware so that I can sell it on eBay.
b) If the unit is unrootable and I decide to sell it on eBay, does it contain my Amazon account details or any other personal info? Obviously, I don't want this available to whoever buys it.

Thanks in advance for any relevant information.

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